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I played a little of your game (~30 mins or so) and it was good fun.

I think the strengths of this game are the world building and the interesting characters. You did a decent job on those and don't worry about using the rtp, I always find that it holds up well if used creatively and you made some interesting maps with it.

I was impressed with how smooth the cutscenes played out. I sometimes struggle with this myself so it's good to see it done well.

As you pointed out yourself, I think the main issue is the balancing, although tbf I did get lost in a cave I wasn't supposed to and my levels skyrocketed in there I was gaining a level every two fights or so LOL but good times anyway.

Thank you for checking it out! I tried my best to make the maps interesting. I'm not great at making art assets but it's something on my list to either learn more of or outsource. Thank you for the feedback and I'll take it into consideration for future projects!

Thanks for checking this out! Hopefully I did everything correctly.
There's a few known issues with the game but I'd love some constructive feedback. I'd greatly appreciate kind and constructive comments instead of hate, thank you.

I know the balancing is crazy and that is a lesson I have learned for the future!